Home Inspection and Home Remodeling Consulting For Buyers and Sellers
Whether you’re buying or selling a home the fact will always remain the same, the condition of the structure in question will always be supremely important. Hidden defects, structural issues, and design flaws that are sure to lead to expensive problems down the road can be deal-killers for either side.
With over 30-years of residential construction, home building, and major remodeling experience under my belt before I became a realtor, I can help position both buyers and seller for deals that will provide maximum value both at the settlement table and into the future.
For Sellers
With over 30 years of residential construction experience under my belt before becoming a realtor I’ve helped countless homeowners maximize their biggest investment.
For sellers, I can quickly guide you in how to position your property to attract absolute top dollar in the market, help arrange and direct the right contractors to tune your home up for sale, and help decide exactly where it makes sense to invest for maximum return on your dollar.
Believe it or not, the answer is often not simply fresh carpet or paint, it’s a design flaw, or a code violation lurking around your home that you’ve gotten used to over the years, but that drags down the value of your home when today’s buyers set foot on your property.
I’ll help you work through exactly what should be addressed for an easy “wow factor” with your potential buyers, what would be money better saved, and how to position your deal for maximum return at the settlement table.
For Buyers
Here’s where things get real important. When consulting with sellers I hope to ensure that all aspects of the home will breeze through inspection, and that easy to address upgrades and design tweaks are addressed that will truly excite homebuyers, and will offer a great return on investment. For buyers, I may be even more important. With my decades of residential home construction experience I can offer you the honest and blunt breakdown of a property’s condition you’re going to need when the time comes to make a purchase.
While a home inspector is great at processing the basic soundness of a property, such as does this light switch work or does it not, testing for radon, and looking for obvious signs of disrepair that will satisfy a bank, I’m going to take you a step farther and discuss what upgrades will be possible, what aspects of the property are opportunities for expansion and a huge bump in value after you move in and what will be involved in that, and quite frankly, whether a property you have your eye one is the best investment for you based on my knowledge of your needs, the local market, and what improvements your property will lend itself too.
Are there issues with the home that technically pass inspection, but will be a huge headache or hidden money pit for you once you’re the owner. I’m going to let you know. If the deal looks good, I’ll tell you that too.
For Realtors
If you’re an area realtor in DC Maryland or Virginia who’s client is considering a property the poses design challenges, potential construction issues, or there are concerns about how to best upgrade given the current structure and property boundaries, I am available to come in as an outside consultant